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Discover empowering new ​facets of yourself.

Explore new possibilities and fall ​in love with your life.

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Brazilian Women Group of Diverse Women Outdoors

For women

who are tired of sitting on the ​sidelines, just watching others ​live the life they would love to ​have.

For women who want more ​confidence to take the ​necessary action to join them.

number 4

A 4-step ​practice to ​cultivate ​confidence

If you seek the freedom to pursue your desires ​and embody your true self with confidence, this ​program is for you.

Don’t sit on the sidelines watching other women ​live the life you admire - join them!

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Gold Sun Illustration
Princess Crown Icon. Vector Illustration.
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Fireworks New Year Single Element
Rose Gold Watercolor Heart
Love Shape, Love Frame, Heart Shape
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  • You will learn and embody four steps that ​transition you from disbelief to confidence.

  • You will understand the reasons behind your ​feelings and learn how to break the cycle.

  • You will discover an empowering aspect of ​yourself capable of shaping a life you adore.

  • You will develop a dependable practice to rely ​on.

  • You will encounter a reliable version of yourself.

  • You will gain the assurance that you can actively ​participate in anything you desire.

What You Will Learn:

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Stop giving away your power.

Learn to preserve and harness your inner strength.

Gold Sun Illustration


Release the victim mentality.

Embrace the Queen within you and reign with ​conviction.

Princess Crown Icon. Vector Illustration.
Rose Gold Watercolor Heart
Love Shape, Love Frame, Heart Shape


End feelings of isolation and fear.

Discover how to connect with your innate ​wisdom.

Fireworks New Year Single Element
Fireworks New Year Single Element


Develop new pathways for confidence..

Embrace your true freedom.

A One Day Face-to-Face Training That ​Really Works

Here’s Why:

Everything is energy.

There are seven well-known energy points in your physical, ​mental, and spiritual body. When the frequencies of these ​points are low, you are low. Low frequencies are negative ​thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Remember, your identity is shaped by your thoughts and ​beliefs. Low-frequency thoughts create a negative self-opinion ​and directly affect your confidence levels.

This training is specifically designed to raise all seven energy ​points each time you use in the four-step practice.

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Book Now

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What Our Teachings Will Do For ​You:

I will teach you the 4 steps, so that you understand ​them, and then, embody them.

As you use these steps, you will sense a powerful ​relationship blossom within .

Your confidence will be a regular part of you and ​your life.

This new empowering energy will create a new ​version of you, and a life to match.

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“I feel different. I feel empowered. ​Totally love who I am now. It takes ​effort but it is worth it.”

“I have never felt braver.”

“Having just gone through the 4 ​steps of S.E.L.F., I can highly ​recommend Tamsen for her work. ​How she explains things and what ​she says does work. I truly wish I ​had this information at the very ​start - it has taken me a long time, ​and this training with Tamsen has ​set me up for life with a greater ​understanding of myself. In turn, I ​can help myself and also impact ​everyone else I meet. Life gets ​better and better.”

“I never knew this was within me.”

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“ I can deal with the fear rather than ​covering it up, moving forward. Now ​I have confidence and tools to ​manage MY feelings. I can do what ​is needed for ME in any situation.”

“I love getting into a space full of ​energy, wherein I realise that I ​can deal with anything.

I have faith in me.”

“I am doing things I only wished ​I could, and I am constantly ​shocking myself.”

“Blame is dropping out of my ​life. It is setting me free.”

“I can sense my love. It is such a ​beautiful space to be in.”

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“My life restarted thanks to ​confidence training. I feel so ​grateful and feel properly alive.”

“I wish I had learned this in ​school!”

“I feel love and connection with ​divinity. Remarkable.”

“My love seems unconditional. ​Thank you.”

“ I love the simplicity, and yet it is ​so deep. It gets more fascinating ​the more I use it. I feel as if I am ​getting to know myself at a deeper ​level.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank ​you.”

From women who have experienced the training:

You are energy.

Confidence is the ​necessary spark of energy ​before everything that ​follows. Stop wasting the ​opportunity to have faith ​in yourself.

Learn how to transmute ​this energy and keep ​confidence as part of your ​identity.

You are frequency.

Your frequency tunes into realities that ​match it.

Confidence creates a coherent frequency of ​what you want from yourself and your life.

It becomes a clear intention, a clear ​message held in frequency.

You are a co-creator.

You are a co-creator.

You are responsible for what you create in your ​life.

With more confidence, you can create ​consciously.

It’s within your power to create a life in a way ​that satisfies and fulfils you.

Join the training

Build Your Confidence

Book Your Place

One-day training - £240

  • Includes several recorded, guided meditations ​to support you after the training.
  • Gain access to a supportive Facebook group ​to share your journey and seek guidance.
  • Receive comprehensive online resources to ​complement your training.

Please note only 15 spots are available per ​training.

Date: 23 October 24 10am - 4pm

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ONe to One

coaching program

One to one coaching program - £600

  • A four week program of 2 hours, one to one, per week.
  • This also includes several recorded, guided meditations to support ​you after the training.
  • Access to a supportive Facebook group to share your journey and ​seek guidance.
  • Receive comprehensive online resources to complement your ​training.

The program begins on an agreed date and runs for 4 ​consecutive weeks.

Please email your queries to:


  • Your new life will require you leaving your old one behind.

  • It demands stepping out of your comfort zone and abandoning ​familiar paths.

  • It may lead to the end of some relationships. Those meant for you will ​find you on the other side.

  • Instead of being liked, you will be loved.

  • You will only lose what no longer serves the woman you have become.

  • Letting go of your old identity is your final challenge.

  • With newfound faith in yourself, you will discover true freedom - to ​create and to live a life you love, propelling you into the woman you ​aspire to be.

Are ​you


Meet The Trainer - Tamsen English

“For many years, I watched life from the ​sidelines, smiling on the outside but ​feeling half-alive inside. I struggled with ​how to show up in life and knew I needed ​more confidence, so I learned how. I ​embarked on a journey of learning and ​self-discovery. As I shed old conditioning ​and embraced new truths, I became ​passionate about human development. ​After dedicating over 15 years to this field, ​I left a mainstream life to fully commit to ​this path.

Now, it’s my mission to share this ​knowledge with you.”


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